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# Normalize
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# Accessibility
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/* Do not show the outline on the skip link target. */
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# Globals
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.padding-top-50 {
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.padding-top-70 {
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.padding-top-80 {
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.padding-top-95 {
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.padding-top-100 {
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.padding-top-105 {
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.padding-top-110 {
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.padding-top-115 {
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.padding-top-120 {
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.padding-bottom-20 {
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.padding-bottom-30 {
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.padding-bottom-40 {
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.padding-bottom-50 {
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.padding-bottom-60 {
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.padding-bottom-65 {
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.padding-bottom-70 {
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.padding-bottom-80 {
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.padding-bottom-85 {
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.padding-bottom-90 {
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.padding-bottom-95 {
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.padding-bottom-100 {
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.padding-bottom-110 {
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.padding-bottom-105 {
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.padding-bottom-115 {
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.padding-bottom-130 {
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.padding-50 {
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.padding-60 {
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.padding-65 {
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.padding-70 {
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.padding-80 {
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.padding-90 {
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.padding-10 {
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.margin-top-10 {
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.margin-top-20 {
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.margin-top-30 {
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.margin-top-40 {
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.margin-top-50 {
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.margin-top-55 {
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.margin-top-60 {
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.margin-top-70 {
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.margin-top-80 {
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.margin-top-90 {
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.margin-top-100 {
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.margin-bottom-0 {
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.margin-bottom-10 {
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.margin-bottom-15 {
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.margin-bottom-20 {
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.margin-bottom-25 {
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.margin-bottom-30 {
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.margin-bottom-40 {
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.margin-bottom-50 {
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.margin-bottom-55 {
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.margin-bottom-60 {
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.margin-bottom-70 {
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.margin-bottom-80 {
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.margin-bottom-90 {
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.margin-top-100 {
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.margin-top-120 {
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# Alignments
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# Clearings
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## Posts and pages
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# Media
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/* Make sure embeds and iframes fit their containers. */
object {
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/* Make sure logo link wraps around logo image. */
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## Captions
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## Galleries
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    # Unit test
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dl, ol, ul {
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.post-password-form input[type=submit] {
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.footer-widget .table td, .footer-widget .table th {
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# Gutenberg	Default Style
.single-post-details-item .entry-content > .alignwide {
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.single-post-details-item .entry-content > .alignfull {
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@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
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wp-block-video video {
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.wp-block-pullquote > p:first-child {
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@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
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.wp-block-pullquote {
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## Block Color Palette Colors
.has-strong-blue-color {
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.has-strong-blue-background-color {
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.has-lighter-blue-color {
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.has-lighter-blue-background-color {
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.has-very-light-gray-color {
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.has-very-light-gray-background-color {
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.has-very-dark-gray-color {
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.has-very-dark-gray-background-color {
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    ## Breadcumb 
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	## Comments
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.comments-area .comments-title {
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.comments-area .comment-list .comment-respond {
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    Why Us Area
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    Testimonial Area
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    Legal Support Area
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    Counterup Item
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    Why us Item
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    Section Title
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 what we cover item
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    Case Study 
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    Testimonial Item
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    Our Attorney
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    Blog Grid Item
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    Price Plan Item
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/* Medium Layout: 1200px. */

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/* Tablet Layout wide: 768px. */

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